سياسة خاصة

آخر تحديث: Dec 01, 2022

يقدر موقع Ojimah.com (المشار إليه فيما يلي بـ "United GB Sarl" أو "نحن") مستخدميه ويلتزم بحماية خصوصيتك. من أجل الوفاء بهذا الالتزام ، طورت Ojimah سياسة الخصوصية هذه (المشار إليها فيما بعد ، "سياسة الخصوصية" أو "السياسة") التي تحدد ممارسات Ojimah فيما يتعلق بجمع واستخدام وحفظ والكشف عن المعلومات الشخصية التي تم جمعها وفقًا للقوانين المعمول بها.

عند استخدام خدمات Ojimah ، سواء لإجراء عمليات بحث أو تسجيل الدخول لتلقي العروض والأخبار أو شراء أي خدمة من خلال أي من قنوات البيع الأخرى أو مركز الاتصال أو موقع الويب (المشار إليه فيما يلي باسم "الموقع") أو تطبيق الهواتف المحمولة والأجهزة اللوحية فيما يلي ، "التطبيق") تثق في المعلومات لنا. تسعى سياسة الخصوصية هذه إلى مساعدتك في فهم البيانات التي نجمعها ، ولماذا نقوم بذلك ، وماذا نفعل بهذه البيانات.

أنت ، كمستخدم ، تقبل الممارسات المفصلة أدناه ، لذلك نوصيك بقراءة المعلومات المقدمة لك بعناية.

الشخص المسؤول عن قاعدة البيانات / الملف هو Ojimah.com، Inc. ، ومقرها في Suit 314, Opic Plaza, Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way, Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria.

  1.  ما هي المعلومات التي نقوم بجمعها؟
  2.  لماذا نستخدم المعلومات التي تم جمعها؟
  3.  مع من نشارك المعلومات التي تم جمعها؟
  4.  أين نخزن وكيف نحمي المعلومات التي تم جمعها؟
  5.  كيف يمكن الوصول إلى المعلومات التي تم جمعها وحذفها و / أو تحديثها؟
  6.  كيف يتفاعل Ojimah مع شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بك؟

ما هي المعلومات التي نقوم بجمعها؟

يتلقى Ojimah ويخزن أ) المعلومات التي قدمتها ، ب) المعلومات التي تم الحصول عليها من أطراف ثالثة ، ج) المعلومات العامة ، د) المعلومات التي تم جمعها بواسطة أنظمتنا ، كما هو موضح أدناه.

المعلومات التي قدمتها:

من أجل إجراء حجوزات سياحية في Ojimah ، يجب عليك تزويدنا بمعلومات شخصية معينة (يشار إليها فيما يلي باسم "المعلومات الشخصية") ، بما في ذلك الاسم الأول والأخير ، ورقم بطاقة الهوية أو الهوية الصالحة ، والجنسية ، ورقم التعريف الضريبي ، ومعلومات الاتصال ( مثل رقم الهاتف أو العنوان أو عنوان البريد الإلكتروني). لغرض إجراء الحجوزات السياحية ، يجب عليك أيضًا تزويدنا بمعلومات عن بطاقة الخصم أو الائتمان الخاصة بك (مثل رقم بطاقة الائتمان ، ورمز الأمان ، واسم حامل البطاقة ، وتاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية). وفقًا لتقديرها الخاص ، قد تؤكد Ojimah المعلومات الشخصية المقدمة باللجوء إلى الكيانات العامة أو الشركات المتخصصة أو مراكز المخاطر ؛ لذلك ، نحن مخولون صراحة من قبلك. سيتم الاحتفاظ بالمعلومات التي حصل عليها Ojimah من هذه الكيانات على أساس السرية.

يمكنك دائمًا اختيار عدم تزويدنا بمعلومات ، ولكن بشكل عام ، هناك بعض المعلومات المطلوبة منك للشراء أو إجراء المعاملات في Ojimah. إذا اخترت عدم تزويدنا بمعلومات معينة ، فقد لا تتمكن من الشراء منا.

إذا أجريت حجزًا باسم طرف ثالث ، فيجب أن تحصل مسبقًا على موافقة هذا الطرف الثالث قبل تزويدنا بمعلوماته الشخصية. إذا لم يكن هذا الطرف الثالث كبيرًا ، وفقًا للقانون المعمول به ، فإنك تقر بأن لديك الصلاحيات اللازمة لتقديم هذه المعلومات الشخصية وقبول سياسة الخصوصية هذه.

يمكنك أيضًا إبداء الآراء والتعليقات والاقتراحات من خلال المشاركة طواعية في الاستبيانات و / أو الأسئلة المرسلة عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو من الموقع الإلكتروني أو التطبيق ("الآراء"). في هذه الحالة ، من أجل تقديم شهادات حقيقية للمستخدمين الآخرين حول تجارب الخدمة ، فإنك تقبل وتوافق على أن جميع الآراء التي ترسلها قد يتم نشرها في موقع و / أو تطبيق Ojimah ، أو في مواقع و / أو تطبيقات أخرى للبائعين المتعاملين مع Ojimah . في مثل هذه الحالة ، يمكنك القيام بذلك عن طريق تعريف نفسك باسمك الكامل و / أو لقبك وصورتك وتعليقك وجنسيتك. عند إعطائنا رأيك ، أو تحميل صور حقيقية من خلال الموقع ، فإنك تتنازل عن أي حقوق ملكية لهذه الصور والآراء بشكل لا رجوع فيه. نذكرك أنه يمكنك التعبير عن رأيك على أساس مجهول أو حذفه ، كما هو مفصل في الإجراء أدناه في سياسة الخصوصية هذه (البند 6.1. سياسة إلغاء الاشتراك).

ضع في اعتبارك دائمًا أنه عندما تنشر معلومات في منطقة عامة من هذا الموقع (بما في ذلك ، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: الإعلانات ومجموعات الدردشة وألبومات الصور الإلكترونية والتعليقات على المنتجات والخدمات) ، فإنك تجعلها متاحة للأعضاء الآخرين ومستخدمي الموقع والجمهور بشكل عام ، وهو خارج عن سيطرة Ojimah. يرجى تذكر ما سبق وتوخي الحذر بشأن المعلومات التي قررت الكشف عنها.

Information given by third parties

As long as permitted by law, Ojimah may also obtain Personal Information about You and add it to the Personal Information given by You, whether from affiliated entities, business partners, and other sources of independent third parties, such as public data bases, information collected during a phone conversation with the customer care center and/or through interactive applications. Take into account that all information collected about You may be combined with your Personal Information. Any Personal Information obtained by Ojimah by the means herein described will be treated according to the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

If You register in Ojimah through your personal account in a social network (“Personal Account”), you expressly agree that Ojimah can:

Access, at any time, the whole information contained in your Personal Account, specially including, without limitation, your Personal Information, information on your interests, tastes, contacts and any other content kept in your Personal Account.

In such account, include messages, pictures, videos and any other type of content.

Send information or messages for the purpose described in article 3, “What do we use the collected information for”, in this Policy, to the email of the User linked to the Personal Account or the email used to make bookings at Ojimah.

Information collected by our systems. Cookies and web beacons policy.

Ojimah automatically collects and stores certain information on the activity of its Users. Such information may include the source URL (whether they are or not at Ojimah’s Website), what URL they often access, what browser they are using and their IP addresses. Also visited pages and searches done.

In order for the Website to work correctly, Ojimah uses cookies of its own and from third parties.

What is a cookie? What are web beacons?

Cookies are specific types of information transmitted by a website to the hard disk of the User’s computer for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies may be used to facilitate the use of a website, by saving passwords and preferences while the User explores the Internet.

On its part, “web beacons” are images inserted in an Internet page or email, which may be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information on the user’s IP address, length of time of interaction in such page, and type of browser used, among others.

How are cookies controlled?

Although most of browsers accept “cookies” and “web beacons” automatically, at all times, You may choose not to receive a file of cookies by enabling your browser to reject cookies or inform you before accepting them (for more information, check www.aboutcookies.org).

Bear in mind that cookies preferences must be set for each browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari), and that, by rejecting cookies, you may not access many travel services and planning tools offered by this Website.

How do we use cookies?

Our Website uses different types of cookies:

Technical cookies:

are used for the proper operation of the website.

Functional cookies:

are necessary to offer services requested by users of this website.

Analytical cookies:

allow to see the browsing behavior of visitors in the website, as well as registering the content seen by them and of their interest. This helps us to improve the service offered, since this way we can secure that our users find the information they are looking for.

Social cookies:

allow to provide functionalities related to social networks (Facebook, Google and Twitter) by enabling and controlling the interaction with social widgets in the website.

Associated cookies:

enable to follow up visits coming from our affiliated websites.

Publicity cookies:

collect information on your preferences and choices in the website. They are aimed at advertising networks, where are later used to show customized advertising in other websites.

Identification cookies:

enable the identification of visitors and the definition of matches with personal data included in our files, in order to send pertinent personal communications.

Cookies are specific types of information transmitted by a website to the hard disk of the User’s computer for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies may be used to facilitate the use of a website, by saving passwords and preferences while the User explores the Internet.

2. What do we use the information collected for?

You expressly authorize Ojimah to register and handle your Personal Information for these purposes:

  • To manage your tourism booking, complete transactions started by you, and process invoices or other tax documentation;
  • To offer you products and services, and answer your questions and comments;
  • To send you confirmations and updates on your trip, as well as any relevant information in such regard. This information may be sent via email, SMS or Whatsapp to the mobile given by You. These messages may contain (without limitation) information on Ojimah’s services, as well as contact data of vendors that may help you with your trip experience at destination.
  • To contact You for client service purposes, make surveys, statistics or analysis on consumption habits or preferences, notify you by email special offers and products and services related to trips that you may be interested in, except that you do not want to (see “Opt-out” policy below).

For the purpose of offering better services or providing its users with information related to your preferences, Ojimah may also develop internal studies on interests, behaviors and demography of users, to better understand their needs and interests, improve our business and promotional initiatives, customize its contents, its presentation and services, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest to our users.

Furthermore, Ojimah uses the information of debit or credit cards (such as the name of the card holder, card number and expiration date) only for the purpose of completing the bookings made by You, including sending your data to final vendors of services, in order to manage your bookings and/or purchase orders. Furthermore, You may choose that Ojimah reminds certain data of your card and billing, which will automatically appear upon entering Ojimah’s Website and/or Application.

3. Who we share the information collected with?

You give your unequivocal consent so that Ojimah can share the relevant Personal Information of its users with vendors for managing its bookings and/or purchase orders, such as airlines, hotels, tourism companies that render services at destination, vehicle rental companies, wholesalers, and other vendors of products and services that may be hired by You through our Website and/or Application. In addition, You accept to share your Personal Information with vendors rendering services to Ojimah, including credit cards, business analytics, customer care service, marketing and fraud prevention.

Ojimah may authorize service vendors to collect Personal information in your name, including, as needed, to operate certain elements of our Website and/or our Application or to facilitate the delivery of on-line advertising according to your interests. Besides, Ojimah may share Personal Information with business partners, who we could jointly offer products or services with. Such vendors and business partners are subject to strict non-disclosure agreements that prohibit the unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Information which they have access to. Ojimah may also share your Personal Information for the purpose of complying with applicable rules and cooperate with competent authorities.

Finally, Ojimah may also share your Personal Information with companies belonging to Ojimah.com group. In the event of any transfer of personal data, the personal data recipient shall assume the same obligations as the disclosing party.

Bear in mind that, if You furnish information on a free and voluntary basis, on your own initiative, directly to service vendors (whether they are service vendors in Ojimah or not), such service vendors shall collect, treat and keep this information according to their own privacy policies. Ojimah is not liable for the undue use of the Personal Information that may be done by third companies out of the website or the application.

4. Where do we store and how we protect the information collected?

All Personal Information is collected and stored in servers physically located in the United Kingdom. Ojimah may relocate these servers in any other country, in the future, and may store Personal Information in the United Kingdom or in other countries, for back-up purposes. You express you unequivocal consent so that Ojimah may transfer your data to any country worldwide. In any case, Ojimah undertakes to secure the compliance of any legally enforceable standards for the protection and safekeeping of your Personal Information, through the execution of agreements whose purpose is the privacy of your personal data.

Personal Information shall be treated with the degree of legally enforceable protection to secure its safety, and avoid its alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access.

5. How can the information collected be accessed, deleted and/or updated?

5.1. Opt-out policy

When You make transactions or register as user in Ojimah, you may choose to receive e-mail promotions, messages or alerts on offers, as provided by applicable laws. In such regard, in each message received you will have the chance to cancel your subscription. You may edit your choices at any time, following any of the alternatives explained below (“Rights of access, cancellation, rectification and objection of Personal Information”).

Bear in mind that the exercise of the opt-out right refers to e-mail promotions, messages or alerts on offers. Therefore, You will continue receiving communications regarding the status of your active bookings. In addition, in certain cases, Ojimah shall keep certain Personal Information on file, for the purpose of solving disputes or claims, detecting problems or issues and solve them, and comply with the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions for a term set forth by law. In any case, the Personal Information of a user will not be immediately deleted from our files for legal and technical reasons, including safety support systems. Therefore, although Ojimah undertakes to endeavor its best efforts taking into account the status of the technique, not every Personal Information may be finally deleted.

In order to edit any information already furnished, please know that You can enter the section “My Account” > “My Profile”.

Access, cancellation, rectification and objection rights of Personal Information.

Users, holders of Personal Information, are entitled to exercise the rights to access, cancel and update their Personal Information, as well as object to its treatment, and to be informed of assignments carried out, on a gratuitous basis at intervals not lower than six months, save that a lawful interest is evidenced to such effect.

5.3. How to exercise the rights described above

You may exercise them by any of the options below:

  • By sending the respective request at the address specified above, or by sending it by e-mail to the address info@ojimah.com. In Your request, you shall specify your full name and a document evidencing the legal representation of the holder, attach a simple copy of your identity card, specification of your email and postal address for notices and a contact telephone number, and a clear and accurate description of personal data on which you intend to exercise the rights of access, rectification and cancellation and documents supporting the change.
  • Once the requirements above are met, and provided that the request can be granted, Ojimah shall notify You, if it has allowed or rejected the request.
  • Likewise, You can access, update and correct your registration information at any time by accessing “My Profile” in “My Account” within Ojimah’s Website. By accessing “Emails and Alerts” in “My Account”, You can choose what emails you wish to receive.

6. How does Ojimah interact with your social networks?

Upon registering in Ojimah, Ojimah requests to choose a user identification and a password (that is to say, access a personal account within the Website). Likewise, Ojimah allows you to access “My Account” through your Facebook account, Google+ or other social networks (hereafter, the “Social Networks” or “Social Network”) that may match access to “My Account” in the future. As part of the functionality of the Website, and in order to offer a better customized experience, you may link your account to Social Networks in two ways:

  • by giving your Social Network account sign in information through the Website and/or the Application; or
  • by enabling Ojimah to access your Social Network account, as permitted in the applicable terms and conditions governing Your use of each Social Network. You represent that you are entitled to disclose the sign-in information of your Social Network to Ojimah and/or grant access to Ojimah to your account, without implying a default on your part of any terms and conditions governing Your use of the corresponding Social Network, and Ojimah not being liable for paying any rate or regarding any use limitation imposed by external service vendors of the Social Network. By granting Ojimah access to any Social Network, You understand that Ojimah will access, make available and store (if applicable) any contents given by You and stored in your Social Network in order to be available in the Website and/or Application, and by means of them, through your Social Network and profile page of such account. Unless otherwise provided in these Terms, any Social Network content, if any, shall be deemed user content to all effects of these Terms.
  • By virtue of the Social Networks chosen and subject to the privacy setup established in such accounts, the personal identification information published in your Social Network will be available in your Ojimah’s account, and through it, in the Website and/or Application. You must take into account that, if a Social Network is no longer available, or if the external service vendor blocks access by Ojimah to such Social Network, the Social Network content will no longer be available in the Website and/or the Application or through them.

BEAR IN MIND THAT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH EXTERNAL VENDORS OF ASSOCIATED SERVICES IS EXCLUSIVELY GOVERNED BY ANY EXECUTED AGREEMENTS WITH SUCH EXTERNAL SERVICE VENDORS. Ojimah shall not endeavor any effort to review the content of Social Network accounts for any reason, including, among others, the accuracy, lawfulness or non-default, and does not take any liability for any of the Social Network content. In such way, it is easier to customize our web page according to your preferences, contact you with your friends to talk about destinations, and analyze and improve our traveling services.

If You lose control of your account or access password to the Social Networks, you can lose control of your Personal Information and may be subject to legally valid transactions done in your name. Therefore, if for any reason your password is at risk, You must immediately: (i) change it, altering your registration information furnished to this Website, and (ii) contact us through any channel offered by Ojimah.

This Website may contain links to other websites that have their own privacy and confidentiality policies. So we recommend that if You visit such other websites, carefully review their confidentiality practices and policies, since this Privacy Policy does not cover third parties’ practices or policies, including those that may disclose and/or share information with Ojimah.

This Policy was amended and updated on January 4, 2021. Ojimah may make any changes to this Privacy Policy in the future. Any alteration regarding how Ojimah uses the Personal Information shall be reflected in future versions of this “Privacy Policy”, and shall be published in this page, so you should review the Privacy Policy occasionally.

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, Ojimah’s practices or your transactions at Ojimah’s page www.Ojimah.com/aboutus please contact us in “My Account” or “My Booking”.